
The work I've done

Tablet Comparison

Drawing Tablet Comparison is an online repository of pen tablets. This allows you to quickly see all available pen tablets on the market and compare. You are provided a comprehensive search tool, with links on where to purchase these items. The entire site uses Nuxt 3 which was in release candidate over a year. Having used both Next(React) and Nuxt (Vue), its provided great insight on how much more lean a full stack development process can be.

  • JavaScript + VueJS 3 + Nuxt 3 + H3: Front-end/Backend programming component library.
  • JWT Authentication: Provides an authentication for admin system.
  • MariaDB: Database.


Raylib-PHP is a native PHP extension written in C. It's a binding to Raylib allowing you to write 2D/3D desktop video games in PHP. There are stubs for autocomplete, documentation, examples, and much more. Writing PHP extensions is a tedious task as documentation around PHP internals has always been poorly available or just outdated.

  • C: Programming language for low level code binding to PHP 8+.
  • Docker: Automate builds and testing for graphics API.
  • PHP: Use to autogenerate stubs and C code.


WOTC is a web application that provides painless employee credits. When an employee is hired, the employer can qualify for what know as WOTC credits. So if the employee is on food stamps, a veteran, been convicted, etc there might be a way to recoup some money as the employer. So WOTC provides a very simple questionnaire that applicants and employees fill out. This is then sent to the state to certify, and WOTC will notify the employer on whats needed to qualify for those credits. This helps employers decide to keep an employee a little bit longer or hire an applicant.

  • JavaScript + VueJS: Front-end programming component library.
  • PHP & Laravel: Backend programming.
  • Gearman: Fault-tolerant job/worker service.
  • Oauth2 & Open API 3.0: Provides an API and documentation on how to use it.
  • MariaDB: Database.


Eferral is a referral system that allows anyone to be a referral for a business of their choosing. Businesses pay Eferral a flat rate, and every referral gets a kickback for completed referrals. Referers use native iOS or Android applications to signup and interact with the Eferral system. They can secure their interactions with the app by turning on biometrics or pin-entry. They can also stay up to date with push notifications. Eferral handles split payments via PayPal, and business can use their credit card or PayPal to complete transactions.

  • JavaScript + NativeScript: Native iOS and Android application.
  • Ruby On Rails & Capistrano: Backend programming, automatic testing, controlled automated deployments.
  • AWS: AWS EC2 for simple server management.
  • PostgreSQL: Database.

Kaiser Traveler

Kaiser Traveler is a web application to replace an existing desktop application. The interface mimics its desktop counterpart by providing a windowed environment. This allows them to work on multiple patient records, trips, and more. Registered nurses will use this application to guide them through the processing of medication recommendations, and health issue warnings that may arise due to the patient traveling.

  • JavaScript + RiotJS: Front-end programming component library.
  • PHP: Backend programming and event driven communication.
  • Gearman: Fault-tolerant job/worker service.
  • Libre Office & UNOC: Bundles and converts word documents into massive PDFs for printing.
  • MariaDB: Database.

Fuel Rod

Fuel Rod is a physical kiosk machine that dispenses and swaps battery banks. They use an iPad mounted to hardware. The iPad communicate to a cloud platform and that cloud platform communicates directly to the machine. This means someone can use their own phone, iOS or Android, or use the device mounted to the machine. They are located in many airports and amusement parks.

  • Objective-C & iOS: Magtek credit card swipe integration, heartbeat services.
  • PHP: Backend, talks to kiosks.
  • Gearman: Fault-tolerant job/worker service.
  • Java & Vert.x: Scalable heartbeat service.
  • JavaScript & Cordova: Hybrid app for kiosk, Android, iOS apps.
  • MySQL: Database.